Tuesday, May 19, 2009

C4C Challenge 1g

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C4C Challenge 1f

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C4C Challenge 1e

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C4C Challenge 1d

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C4C Challenge 1c

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C4C Challenge 1b

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C4C Challenge 1a

My first challenge! I knew I wanted it to be a cross so I grabed this cute little one that was given to my mom and started trying to capture the "essence" (haha) of this simply hand made cinnimon stick cross. Enjoy!
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

This week has been full of changes. Actually these past two months. OK, these past two years! I cannot belive the things that have come into and gone out of my life since I've allowed God to be my focus. He has pruned me and helped me to bear fruit! (John 15) But that is only because I have allowed His Word to live in me! Only becuase I live in Him every day! I can ask for whatever I want and It will be done for me! (John 15:7) My life is full of promise and my days are full of Glory for my Lord! I will allow Him to fashion me to His purpose and He will help me to spread His love and blessings!